HomePAPSCU Excellent Academic Research Link (PEARL) Bulletin vol. 4 no. 1 (2024)

Impact of Boys’ Love Genre on LGBTQIA+ Representation

Augustus Jeremy B Artates | Russel C Bautista | Charmane P Peroso | Anna Liza A Ramos | Elena R. Manalo

Discipline: novel



The main purpose of this study was to investigate the impacts of Boys' Love as a literary genre on LGBTQIA+ representation, its personal impacts on the students of SMCL, as well as its social impacts. The researchers employed a Qualitative Phenomenological research design and utilized Purposive sampling to select twelve participants, including six gay students and six heterosexual female students who had been engaged in reading or watching Boys' Love for at least two to five years. A focus group discussion was held to obtain thorough knowledge and information, which was analyzed using Thematic Analysis. Three themes emerged from the analysis. The researchers concluded that Boys' Love as a literary genre has both positive and negative impacts on LGBTQIA+ representation. On one hand, it authentically portrays the realities and struggles experienced by LGBTQIA+ students. However, it still falls short of accurately and sufficiently representing and depicting diverse LGBTQIA+ individuals. Moreover, Boys' Love has significant impacts on personal views and worldviews. Participants' responses revealed that it inspires selflove and self-acceptance among gay students while fostering acceptance and open-mindedness among female students. Furthermore, Boys' Love also contributes positively to society and schools by promoting acceptance and cultivating positive behavior toward LGBTQIA+ students. As a result, the researchers recommended encouraging critical media literacy on Boys’ Love in schools, establishing collaborations between schools and LGBTQIA+ organizations, and organizing inclusive cultural events and activities that celebrate diverse identities and expressions. Additionally, they also recommended promoting awareness about Sexual Orientation, Gender Identity, Gender Expression, and Sexual Characteristics (SOGIESC), and involving students in the development of school policies. Lastly, the researcher also recommended future research to look into the dynamics of the LGBTQIA+ community beyond representation, personal impacts, and social impacts, focusing on previously unexplored dimensions such as healthcare disparities, intersectionality with race and ethnicity, workplace discrimination, media practices, and societal understanding and acceptance.


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