HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 2 no. 1 (2023)

Unveiling the Impact of Explainer Videos on Grade 4 Science Learning: A Quasi-Experimental Analysis

Karen Joy Balbin | Marymina P. Odiem

Discipline: Education



This research looked into the use of explainer video as a science learning intervention for Grade 4 learners of Liwan West Elementary School. The study utilized the quantitative type of research employing a quasi-experimental research design through the use of experimental and control groups with pre-test and post-test approaches to determine the effectiveness of utilizing video explainers in improving pupils’ academic performance in Science. Data was gathered from 32 Grade 4 pupils. It was analyzed using the Paired Sample T-Test and Independent Sample T-Test. Findings revealed that the use of explainer video in teaching Science is more effective than the pure lecture method


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