HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 2 no. 1 (2023)

Effectiveness of Using Indigenous Games in Enhancing Mathematics Performance

Claire Balbawang | Felicisimo Felix

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to assess the effectiveness of indigenous games in improving performance in Mathematics. The study utilized a quantitative type of research employing quasi-experimental research through the use of pretest and post-test and control and experimental group research, in which two different learning environments were compared. Grade 2 pupils of Kinama Elementary School, Rizal District, Division of Kalinga were considered in the study. They were grouped into two: the experimental group (14 participants) and the control group (13 participants). Participants in both groups were identified and matched based on their grade point average (GPA) in their 1st Grading Mathematics subject. Results of the pre-test that was administered before the conduct of the study were likewise considered in the selection. The use of indigenous games is effective in enhancing the performance of Grade 2 pupils in their mathematics subject, as manifested in the high increase in the scores of pupils in the experimental group and also in comparison to their scores with those in the control group.


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