HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 2 no. 1 (2023)

Profile Variables and Degree of Liberalness of Senior High School Students in a Catholic University

Christoffe Dulnuan | Jeremy Joe Nava | Noel John Carlo Gines | Francess Jeyann Ramirez

Discipline: Education



The Filipino community is confronted by a number of social issues that may possibly be due to changing times, which may consequently affect the awareness or acceptance to such issues. This quantitative-qualitative study used survey and interview questionnaires to describe the degree of liberalness of the 209 senior high school students of a Catholic institution on social issues like environment, same-sex marriage, taxes, welfare and war on terrorism. After using non-parametric tests and topical/thematic approach, findings revealed that respondents had high degree of liberalness to the mentioned social issues. Using Kruskal-Wallis, there was no significant difference between religion, ethnicity and degree of liberalness but there was a significant difference when the respondents were grouped according to strand. Using Mann-Whitney U-Test, there was no significant differences between sex and degree of liberalness. Therefore, students from a Catholic institution had high degree of openness and acceptance on the mentioned issues.


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