HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 2 no. 1 (2023)

Integration of Technology in Educational Instruction and Students’ Interest in Learning

Mailyn Raquiza Ugali

Discipline: Education



This study discusses the correlation of the integration of technology in educational instruction and students’ interest in learning Science 10. It investigated the teachers’ extent of integration of technology in the educational instruction in the different curriculum content of Science and the level of students’ interest in learning. The study employed a quantitative descriptive correlational and descriptive comparative design. Researcher-made questionnaires were used in data gathering. The study involved twenty (21) Grade 10 Science teachers and five hundred twenty five (525) Grade 10 students handled by the teachers. The study used purposive sampling technique in the selection of teachers and non-probability convenience sampling in the selection of students. The study was conducted in nine (9) public secondary schools in the First Congressional District in the Division of Quezon City. Data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The findings of the study indicate that science teachers integrated technology in teaching their subject to a moderate extent. The study also showed that the students’ level of interest in the different characteristics observed varied from moderate to high. Likewise, the results of the study revealed that the teachers’ extent of technology integration in the educational instruction had a relationship with the level of students’ interest in learning.


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