HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)

An Exploration of the School and Community Partnership in a Rural Elementary School

Karla Nicole Mangagom-Cagurangan

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to assess the school and community partnership in one rural school in the Province of Kalinga in online fact-checking information of the Grade 10 students. This study utilized a quantitative type of research employing a descriptive method. The respondents of the study consisted of three groups. The first group consisted of 100 parents of the said school who were chosen using quota sampling. The second group involved seven (7) teachers and the school principal, while the third group consisted of the seven (7) barangay council members. The findings suggest that the school has established strong partnerships with community organizations, but there is a need for increased collaboration and communication with families to ensure that curriculum aligns with student and community needs and interests.


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