HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)

The Teaching and Learning Practices in Online Learning

Jovert Sebastian | Loverniel Licupa | Joan Dulin | Herbert Corpuz

Discipline: Education



This descriptive study was conducted to assess the teaching and learning practices in the online modality of one private higher education in Northern Philippines. Four hundred three (403) students across all the departments participated in the study through an online survey. Results reveal that effective teaching and learning practices are observed in the online learning of the university. In addition, a significant difference exists in the assessment of the respondents on the teaching and learning practices in the online learning of the university when grouped according to profile variables, specifically along year level and department. The study concludes that effective teaching and learning practices are being employed in the online learning of the university. Teachers employ effective course design and pedagogical practices.


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