HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 1 no. 1 (2022)

Evaluative Research of the Implemented Senior High School Curriculum in a Private University

Denson N. Liday

Discipline: Education



This study focused on providing facts and information derived from the issue of curriculum implementation among teachers in the senior high school program and providing information on its evaluation. The study analyzed various curriculum interpretations and experiences among the respondents. Teachers’ gender, professional qualification, teaching experience, and relevant trainings attended related to the curriculum was examined. The study evaluated the extent of respondents’ knowledge if they emphasize essential skills and knowledge required, the awareness on their role as educators, their attitudes in the implementation process, and the extent of their beliefs about the abilities of their students to succeed in work and life, and their self-confidence regarding their classroom practice. Furthermore, this study compared and correlated the critical variables in the study and determined if some variables exhibited main effect with each other. Lastly, it evaluated the internal and external support factors in the curriculum implementation. Results of evaluation showed that respondents exhibited a high level of knowledge, awareness, and belief. A fairly positive attitude towards the implementation process was shown. Also, a high level of confidence in the implementation was manifested. There was a high level of internal support factors while a moderate level of external support was perceived. Results showed that gender, professional qualifications, years as a teacher, and seminars affects the implementation process. This study discusses the implications of the findings on how teaching of the curriculum is conducted in a classroom level environment of a private institution. The study also provides recommendations for considerations.