HomeInternational Journal of Advances in Education, Social Sciences and Innovationvol. 3 no. 1 (2024)

Technological, Pedagogical, and Content Knowledge of Elementary Teachers

Mary Joyce Gawang | Elsa Soriano

Discipline: Education



This study was conducted to determine the Technological-Pedagogical and Content Knowledge of elementary teachers. This study utilized a mixed method of research employing both quantitative and qualitative research. Descriptive method was used to describe the TechnologicalPedagogical and Content Knowledge of elementary teachers. Meanwhile, basic qualitative research was used to explore the issues and challenges of teachers on their acquisition of TPACK. The respondents of the study were the 31 elementary teachers of the three elementary schools of the Rizal District, Division of Kalinga. It can be shown from the results that they are highly competent along pedagogical knowledge, content knowledge, technological knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and technological pedagogical knowledge. Meanwhile, they are competent along technological content knowledge and technological-pedagogical-content knowledge. In general, elementary teachers of Rizal District of Division of Kalinga are highly competent along TPACK. There are three major issues that respondents stressed in terms of their issues and challenges on the attainment of TPACK. These issues revolve around the following: (1) technological issues, (2) pedagogical issues, and (3) content issues.


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