HomeThe Paulinian Compassvol. 2 no. 4 (2013)


Kae-hwa Jo | Gyeong-ju An

Discipline: Nursing



 Understanding the meaning of emotional responses of the nurses in a hospice ward toward Korean traditional music was the purpose of this conventional qualitative study. The four major themes include mirror of inner feelings, reflection of individual life, unfamiliarity and barrier, and music as a therapeutic medium. Seventy eight instrumental Korean traditional music selections and 62 vocals were played in a hospice ward nurses‘ station, for a total of 56 hours: two hours a day from April 16 to June 16, 2012. Interview with the six respondents followed and descriptive analysis undertaken afterwards. Conclusions drawn from the information given by the six Korean hospice ward nurses involved in this study are as follows: (1) Hospice ward Korean nurses adhere to a balanced attitude and connection with the culture and climate of traditional Korean music due to their inherent musical gene; (2) Korean traditional music can provide physical and mental relaxation among hospice ward nurses; (3) Korean traditional music can be a therapeutic medium, associating wellness with nature and social relationships, drawing strength from the established strong sense of kinship, feeling of solidarity, and sense of closeness; (4)Unfamiliarity of the Korean hospice ward nurses with the traditional Korean music is brought about mainly by their exposure to Western music as well as their age; and (5) Korean hospice ward nurses‘ interest intraditional Korean music towards improvement of health condition of patients suggests direction for developing artistry and sensibility of the nursing profession. Recommendations forwarded are as follows: (1) inclusion of traditional Korean music in various treatment programs and(2) creation of a stress-management program among hospice ward nurses utilizing traditional Korean music.