HomeThe Paulinian Compassvol. 2 no. 4 (2013)


Glen R. Mangali

Discipline: Education



This research was conducted to determine the holistic levels of formation of students in each brain quadrant when exposed to Poveda‘s Personalized Education Program. Specifically, it sought to determine the holistic levels of formation of the students when grouped according to their year levels and the significant difference in the holistic formation of the students across year levels. The study used a combination of qualitative and quantitative data analyses. The study was conducted at Saint Pedro Poveda College, High School Department. The study used 240 students as respondents. Two sections in second, third, and fourth years served as samples for this study. Simple random sampling, specifically Lottery or Fishbowl technique sampling with replacement, was used for the two sections in each level. A five-point Likert Scale questionnaire describing the holistic formation of students based on the four brain quadrants was used. The questionnaire was composed of 28 item statements, which are as follows: Quadrant 1- Curriculum Centered on the Person (items 1-7), Quadrant 2-Development of Individual Ability (items 8-14), Quadrant 3-Process of Building a Person (items 15-21) and Quadrant 4-Individual Concern and Care for Each Person (items 22-28). The perceptions of students were computed using the mean, standard deviation, and One-way Analysis of Variance (ANOV A) to establish the significant difference in the holistic formation of students across year levels. Results revealed that the perceptions of the second, third, and fourth year students on their holistic formation when exposed to Poveda‘s Personalized Education Program did not differ significantly from one another and had no significant effects on their perceptions towards holistic formation. The application of Poveda‘s Personalized Education Program can lead to the holistic formation of students. However, more improvement is necessary to increase the levels of formation of students in each brain quadrant. The absence of significant difference in the perceptions of students across levels regarding holistic formation suggests that students may be formed holistically in different degrees and year levels. The results could also be linked to many factors, such as student‘s lifestyle and upbringing, as well as implementation of the pedagogy and program of the school, teachers, and administrators.