Psychological Factors and Critical Thinking Attitudes of Students in Earth Science Exposed to Computer Assisted Instruction (CAI)
Vince S. Pagutayao | Trisha Mae Z. Chuasien | Arman P. Nuezca
Discipline: Psychology
This study aimed to determine the psychological factors of students in Earth
Science exposed to computer-assisted instruction and assess whether these
factors have a significant relationship with the critical thinking attitude of
students. The study uses a descriptive-correlational design to evaluate the
relationship between two variables. The study utilized content-validated
questionnaires to assess both variables, which were administered to 88 second- year BSEd Sciences students at Central Mindanao University. The findings of
the study revealed that psychological factors showed a highly significant
relationship with students’ critical thinking attitude. The study recommends that
teachers may infer the highly significant relationship between students’ psychological factors and their critical thinking attitude. This may serve as a
basis for improving their students' critical thinking by fostering a positive
psychological attitude, which is crucial for making scientific judgments.
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