HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 1 no. 1 (2021)

Roles of Internal Locus of Control and Grit in Managing the Academic Stress of Senior High School Students in a State University in the Philippines

Karen Anne C. Quing | Jomar Saif P. Baudin

Discipline: Psychology and Health



Any individual who transitions through different stages of life inevitably experience stress, especially adolescents who undergo physiological and psychological changes. This is the stage where they have to make relevant decisions including the academic courses they have to take for their future career. The overwhelming expectations that they are experiencing from their family, teachers, and society to excel academically have been shown to cause distress among adolescents. It is, therefore, becomes imperative to study possible protective factors to formulate efficient intervention techniques. Two of the most studied constructs that have been linked to academic success are the internal locus of control and grit. However, available studies investigating these two constructs with academic stress especially among Filipino adolescents have remained scarce. The current study explored the roles of internal locus of control and grit in managing academic stress. A sample of 165 senior high school students from Southern Luzon State University-Main Campus were involved in this study. Results showed that both grit and internal locus of control are negatively correlated with academic stress. It was also shown that grit is positively associated with an internal locus of control although one is not a predictor of another.


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