HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 1 no. 1 (2021)

Levels of Oral Communication Skills and Speaking Anxiety of Educators in a Polytechnic College in the Philippines

Marlon Pontillas | Frederick Talaue

Discipline: Psychology and Health



Regardless of the profession, everyone should possess good communication skills in different contexts. Although scholars have contributed studies showing the communication anxieties and proficiencies of speakers to different languages, there are limited studies that deal with the educators’ context. To add contribution to this field, the researcher utilized a correlational research design to determine the relationship between the educators’ oral communication skills and speaking anxiety. The study used the frameworks of Pontillas (2020) and McCroskey (1977). The researcher chose Camarines Sur Polytechnic Colleges as the locale of the study and utilized 25 teacher-participants from the different departments of the College. The participants underwent an impromptu speaking activity to determine their oral communication skills’ level. They filled out the Personal Report of Public Speaking Anxiety (PRPSA) test developed by McCroskey (1970) to assess their perceived speaking anxiety. The two variables’ results were correlated using Pearson’s Moment of Correlation and found a significant correlation between the two variables. Environmental factors, personal experiences, and exposure were factors determined by the researcher affecting their speaking skills and anxiety. The researchers recommend that the institution should implement intervention programs for educators to improve their oral communication skills. Furthermore, Higher Education Institutions offering Education undergraduate programs should add additional communication courses to the curriculum.


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