HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 1 no. 1 (2021)

Organizational Culture as Predictor of Faculty Members’ Soft Skills in Philippine State Universities

Leomar Miano

Discipline: Development Studies



This paper investigated the relationship between organizational culture and soft skills. Data were collected among selected faculty members in the three different state universities. Using convenient sampling, the study included 324 respondents, one in each state university from the main island of the Philippines (Luzon, Visayas, and Mindanao). This study used a descriptive-correlational design which utilized a self-constructed questionnaire with a Cronbach Alpha of 0.907 internal consistency, having formatted on a 4-point scale. The result showed that the organizational culture of faculty members is strong with a mean of 3.5 (SD=.48), and the soft skills of faculty members are good with a mean of 3.23 (SD=.44). Moreover, there is a significant relationship between organizational culture and soft skills, specifically, the clan culture negatively related to soft skills with a coefficient value of -.070 with a contribution of .09% in the variance. This implies that clan culture has a possible adverse relationship on soft skills. Based on the path model organizational culture has a direct effect with soft skills.


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