HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 1 no. 2 (2021)

Google Classroom as a Tool of Support for Flexible Learning in the New Normal

Jimmylen Zuniga-Tonio

Discipline: Education



The global crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic affected all areas of life significantly paving the way to the new normal set-up. In response, the higher education system in the Philippines opted to implement flexible learning as its delivery model. Flexible learning unlocked critical areas in redesigning the pre-pandemic learning and teaching paradigm, one of which is the deployment of learning management systems or online platforms to contribute to the effective implementation of flexible learning. The present study attempts to explore Google Classroom’s potentials and acceptability as a tool of support to flexible language learning and teaching. A survey questionnaire was given to a group of 44 university students who completed the Purposive Communication course. Using the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM) analysis of data, the findings revealed that the majority of the students agreed that Google Classroom could provide accessibility, utility, and students’ satisfaction. Similarly, students agreed it could support communication and interaction and instruction delivery in flexible learning. Further, a qualitative-inductive approach using thematic analysis of the open-ended question in the survey questionnaire revealed that Google Classroom supports flexible language learning through the following: (a) easy monitoring of tasks, assignments, projects, and announcements; (b) excellent storage of learning materials (ex. backup files); (c) motivates students to manage time; and (d) motivates students to perform well. Therefore, it occurs that Google Classroom, as an educational interactive tool, has the potential to contribute to the effective delivery of flexible language teaching and learning, provided that responsive and timely faculty guidance is in place.


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