HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 9 (2024)

Exploring the Mediating Role of Internship Experience to the Self-Efficacy and Career Aspirations of Undergraduate Students

Jennifer C. Dioquino | Ann Bernadette R. Manaig | Easther Ella Marie de Veyra | Shaina M. Obida | Jason O. Manaois

Discipline: Education



This research investigated the hypothesized relationships between internship experience, self-efficacy, and career aspirations among undergraduate students in the Philippines. A sample of 100 participants completed an online survey that comprised the Work Experience Questionnaire (WEQ), Generalized Self-Efficacy Scale (GSES), and Career Aspiration Scale (CAS) to measure the research variables. Cross-sectional surveys and purposive sampling were employed to identify the participants. To test the potential mediating role of internship experience, a mediation analysis was conducted using the Hierarchical Multiple Regression Method. The findings revealed a significant positive association between self-efficacy and career aspirations. However, contrary to the initial hypothesis, the analysis did not detect a mediating effect of internship experience. This challenges the prevailing assumption that internships universally enhance the self-efficacy-career aspiration link. The study acknowledges limitations, such as the potential influence of unexplored variables not incorporated into the research design. Despite this, the study explores the interplay between internship experiences, self-efficacy, and career aspirations within the undergraduate population. Future research with a larger sample and a more comprehensive framework incorporating additional potentially mediating factors is warranted for a deeper understanding of this intricate relationship.


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