Instructional Leadership Skills of School Heads and Its Relation to the Self-Efficacy of Elementary Teachers in Castillejos District
Jovelle L. Battad
Discipline: Teacher Training
This study focused on the instructional leadership skills of School Heads
and their relation to the self-efficacy of elementary teachers in all schools
in Castillejos District, Division of Zambales. The data gathered were treated
using Mean, Standard Deviation, One-Way ANOVA, and Pearson r. Overall,
the teacher’s perception of instructional leadership skills of the school
heads in terms of being Resource Providers, Instructional Resources, Communicators, and Visible Leaders got a descriptive rating of “Always”. Generally, teacher’s perceived self-efficacy in terms of Encouraging Student
Engagement, Instructional Strategies, and Classroom Management stipulated a descriptive rating of “A Great Deal”. There is a significant difference
in the school head’s instructional leadership skills when grouped according to their age, number of years as school head, and number of seminars/trainings attended related to instructional leadership. There is no significant difference in the school head’s instructional leadership skills when
grouped according to their sex and highest educational attainment. Lastly,
the school head’s instructional leadership is significantly correlated to
teachers’ self-efficacy. Based on the findings and conclusions, the following
are recommended: School heads should continue their professional
growth and development by enrolling in Graduate School. Likewise, attend
more training related to instructional leadership. School heads should
strengthen their instructional leadership skills.
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