HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 2 no. 10 (2024)

Factors Causing Delays Between Surgeries in a Government Medical Center: A Cross-Sectional Study

Philner P. Salindo | Philmed P. Salindo

Discipline: healthcare science (non-specific)



Efficient OR management is crucial for delivering high-quality healthcare. This study investigated the root causes of turnover time delays in the Operating Room (OR) during elective surgeries. This research aimed to identify factors contributing to unwarranted delays in OR turnover time and proposes targeted solutions to enhance operational efficiency. The study used a crosssectional design to focus on elective general surgery cases over six months. Data is derived from narrative reports by operating room staff, documenting turnover times and factors causing delays. Analysis of this six-month data highlights anesthesia and hospital-related factors as primary contributors to turnover time delays. Anesthesia-related factors account for delays ranging from 130 to 1,302 minutes, while hospital-related factors contribute between 145 and 1,860 minutes of delay. The findings underscore the multifaceted nature of elective surgery delays, driven by various factors. The study recommends a holistic approach, including optimizing staffing, streamlining processes, enhancing communication, improving emergency readiness, and embracing continuous improvement to address these delays effectively. Implementing these strategies can increase efficiency, ensure timely surgeries, and optimize resource allocation in the OR.


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