Compliance with Business Permits and Licensing System Requirements: Effects on Business Performance and Satisfaction Among MSMEs
Ace Gerome M. Niño | Francisco E. Gentoral
Discipline: management studies
This study investigated the relationships and differences among compliance levels, business
performance, and satisfaction with the Business Permits and Licensing System (BPLS) requirements among
390 Micro, Small, and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) in Iloilo City, Philippines. Using a descriptive,
quantitative, and correlational design, the study sampled MSMEs from various industry sectors using the
Input-Process-Output (IPO) model. Results show that MSMEs, particularly in sectors C and D, reported high
compliance with BPLS requirements. It implies strong adherence to the requirement, suggesting effective
engagement with the regulatory system. They also rated their business performance, including changes in
gross sales, sales growth, capitalization, capital turnover, employee numbers, and overall satisfaction, as
very good to excellent. It suggests they are experiencing strong financial performance, indicating a positive
economic impact. High satisfaction with BPLS was also noted, which implies that the system is easy and
efficient, leading to improved compliance and more favorable business conditions. T-tests and ANOVA
revealed differences and similarities in compliance, business performance, and satisfaction across different
business types and sectors, suggesting that these factors are affected by specific attributes of each business
group. Pearson's correlation analysis indicated a negligible relationship between compliance and business
performance, a very strong positive relationship between compliance and satisfaction, and a weak positive
relationship between business performance and satisfaction. It implies that compliance significantly
enhances satisfaction and has little impact on business performance. The study's recommendations, such as
fully implementing an electronic BPLS and customer feedback system as part of the EODB law and including
additional financial indicators in the unified application form, are of utmost importance. Future research
should extend the analysis to other cities and local governments in the Visayas to further explore the linkage
between compliance, business performance, and satisfaction.
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