HomeJournal of Education, Management, and Development Studiesvol. 2 no. 4 (2022)

Seasoned Teachers’ Digital Skills Readiness in the Online Learning of Selected

Joy Therese Villon | Joevin B. Balon | Auriane A. Aranilla

Discipline: Teacher Training



The study aims to determine the digital skills readiness of seasoned teachers in online learning. This study also utilized descriptive quantitative research to determine the level of digital skills readiness of seasoned teachers. The study was conducted in selected schools in Quezon province via a Google Form. The thirty (30) respondents were chosen using purposive sampling because, based on the criteria, the teachers should have more than ten years of service. After the survey, the researchers recorded the gathered data and computed each variable’s weighted mean. Based on the findings, seasoned teachers from selected schools in Quezon province differ in their digital skills readiness. Some seasoned teachers may need assistance depending on the nature of thework that requires technology. This study also recommends that seasoned teachers may continuously attend professional development activities to enhance their digital skills. Additionally, a related research study using a qualitative design to gather in-depth responses from the respondents is being recommended.


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