HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 5 no. 10 (2024)

Empowering Young Researchers: The Influence of Research Consultations on the Perceived Preparedness of Grade 11 Students in Research Writing

Abigail D. Aure | Shaina B. Ibañes | Gerald Jad P. Ty | Rob Cris A. Bagares

Discipline: Education



As the Philippines strives best to teach Filipino learners how to become globally competent learners and workers of the world in the future through its implementation of K-12 and the teaching of research sub-jects, it is befitting to assess how students are being prepared for writ-ing research. While other countries conduct research consultations by scheduling appointments with librarians, the schools in the country make the most out of their teachers by serving as research consultants at the same time. This study analyzes how research consultations with Practical Research 1 teachers influence the perceived preparedness of 16 Grade 11 students in one non-sectarian school in Marikina City through qualitative narrative research. Based on the findings, it is con-cluded that the students view research consultations as a beneficial ac-tivity that improves their research writing and communication skills. Although beneficial, challenges such as incoherent feedback from vali-dators, appointment conflicts, and miscommunication hinder them from maximizing the use of research consultations. In the end, the re-searchers recommend improving research consultation tools and man-agement, and conducting a longitudinal quantitative approach to assess the effectiveness of research consultations in enhancing the competen-cies of students in research writing.


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