Princess Reinadel D. Alejandro
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
Creating a venue for social growth and development is one of the objectives of the Extension and Training Service Unit. It is one of the university's core functions which aims to create a community of ideas and action where we can put together progressive minds, and the best practices to further inspire service to its constituent. State Colleges and Universities (SUCs) are expected to take initiatives to promote gender and development. One of the major social concerns nowadays is the increasing cases of gender discrimination. Relative to this, the Project ROYGVIB (Reinforcing Open-minded Youths in fighting Gender Violence, Invisibility and Biases) of the Bachelor of Science in Criminology Department come up with a Series of Lecture to the different programs of the university with regards to Gender-based violence which include violence against women, domestic violence against women, men or children living in the same domestic unit and insights to SOGIE Bill. It provided basic knowledge on gender sensitivity, gender rights and policies in preparing them as gender sensitive future professionals and implementers of gender rights and policies.