A Multiple Case Study on the Implementation of Brigada Eskwela Implementing Guidelines among Elementary Stakeholders
Daisy Vee B Juanillo | Benjie F Salcedo
Discipline: Education
The study delved into the cases of four stakeholders in the implementation of DepEd Order
No. 21 Series of 2023. This study used a qualitative research design in a multiple case
approach in order to further understand the challenges, coping mechanisms from those
challenges, and insights from the particular phenomenon they have experienced. Utilizing
thematic analysis and cross-case analysis, major findings disclosed what stakeholders
experienced in which they had the emotional turmoil on classroom changes, inability to
focus and engage in learning, enhanced learning environment, and adherence to authority
directives and orders. In response to these challenges, stakeholders employed coping
mechanisms, including establishing community engagements in school initiatives,
securing communication and collaboration of stakeholders for implementation, relying to
internal and external supports and resources, shifting focus to individualized learning, and
becoming adaptive and compliant with educational policies. Along with the realization of
stakeholders, the study highlighted the call for intensified teaching practices, proactive
approach in dealing with new classroom design, enhancing stakeholders’ engagement
through public forum, social support system, and positive effects on classroom dynamics.
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