Quality of Work Life: Employee Performance Nexus and the Moderating Effect of Employee Commitment
Romel C Nemiño
Discipline: Education
This study determines how employee commitment influenced the relationship between
quality of work life and employee performance. A non-experimental quantitative research
design with a descriptive correlational and regression approach was employed on 900
employees from a sample of companies drawn from various industries. Digital survey
questionnaires were utilized because of their accessibility, cost-effectiveness, and
efficiency in reaching broad and diverse participants. In addition, a logistic hierarchical
regression was performed to determine the moderating effect of employee commitment.
The findings indicated a significant association between the quality of work life and
employee performance. After being moderated by hierarchical logistic regression,
employee commitment did not show any conclusive evidence of an interaction effect
between the effectiveness of the quality of work life and employee performance. Although
employee commitment showed a significant positive association with the performance of
the employees, the degree of employee commitment did not show any evidence of an
interaction effect. The findings suggest that the quality of work life is an indispensable
determinant of employee performance, regardless of employee commitment. Hence, an
organization should implement policies focused more on quality of work life to improve
employee performance.
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