Over the Rainbow: A Multiple Case Study of Parents with LGBTQ+ Students
Decy Mae M Ponsica | Deveyvon L Espinosa
Discipline: Education
This study aimed to explore the experiences and how parents with LGBTQ+ students
address the challenges faced as they have children that part in the LGBTQ+ community.
Qualitative research, as defined by Creswell (1994), focuses on understanding a social or
human problem based on building complex, holistic picture, formed with words, reporting
detailed views of informants and non-numerical data to explore phenomena through indepth
interviews. In response to these challenges, two main themes emerged: accepting
and understanding the identity of one’s child and, seeking divine guidance and providence.
Reflecting on their experiences, the participants shared valuable insights regarding the
importance of acceptance and understanding LGBT+ children, the necessity of supporting
their LGBTQ+ children, and the broader issues of social justice and equality. Ultimately, the
research aimed to understand the experiences and coping mechanisms of parents as they
have a LGBTQ+ students or having a child that was part of LGBTQ+ community. In addition,
the purpose of this study was used as a resource/ reference for some parents and for
future generations in handling emotions when they find the gender of their children. The
researcher undertook this challenge not only to fulfill her bachelor's degree requirements
but also out of personal commitment, hoping that the study would resonate with readers
and be recognized as valuable one.
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