Grace under Pressure: A Multiple Case Study on Bachelor of Elementary Education- Generalist Student- achievers
Lyca B Dela Cruz | Kristy Jane R Muegna
Discipline: Education
This multiple-case study aimed to accumulate and understand the experiences of Bachelor
of Elementary Education-Generalist (BEED) student-achievers. Using purposive sampling
and inclusion criteria, the participating (3) student-achievers were identified. Through indepth
interviews, observations, and field notes, comprehensive data were gathered.
Thematic analysis and cross-case analysis were utilized, revealing that addressing
experiencing difficulties in managing time, struggling with academic pressure, and
challenges in striking between academic and extracurricular responsibilities are highly
beneficial. Despite challenges, BEED student-achievers strived and find motivation through
asking assistance from others, utilizing electronic devices for learning, and building open
communication, their role for academic success and their motivation to help themselves
were key drivers for participation, the results of this study were deemed significant by the
participants, parents, teachers, students, and researchers.
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ISSN 2980-4760 (Online)
ISSN 2980-4752 (Print)