The Mediating Effect of Teacher Support on the Relationship Between Parental Involvement and Student Academic Productivity
Ruel B Cacanando Jr | Jonelson C. Escandallo
Discipline: Education
This study aims to determine the mediating effect of teacher support regarding the
relationship between parental involvement and student academic productivity; identify the
level of parental involvement, teacher support, and student academic productivity among
Grade 6 students in Cambanogoy Central Elementary School. It employed a quantitative
non-experimental research design, the descriptive correlational technique, and mediation
analysis. There were found to be significant associations between parent involvement,
teacher support, and student academic productivity. Thus, it finds that both parental
involvement and teacher support have a very crucial influence on academic success,
considering that teacher support wholly and partially mediates the impact of parental
involvement on student productivity. Mediation analysis thus confirms the enhancing
effect of teacher support on parental involvement in a positive working relation for
students' academic productivity is needed. It records good levels of teacher support,
parental involvement, and student productivity and significant relationships between them.
Teacher support partially mediates the positive relationship that exists between parental
involvement and the level of productivity at which their students can work, bringing into
focus the role of both teacher support and parental involvement to attain academic
productivity. Finally, the study concludes that teachers offer abundant support to students.
Therefore, a friendly and facilitative learning environment is provided.
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