HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research and Innovationvol. 2 no. 4 (2024)

Mediating Effect of Language Exposure on the Interplay between Affective Learning Outcomes and Language Awareness among English Major Students

April Joy C Lasanas | Jonelson C. Escandallo

Discipline: Education



Inadequate language awareness among students continues to be a major worry in today's education, affecting their future opportunities and learning undertake. The purpose of this study is to determine the mediating effect of language exposure on the interplay between affective learning outcomes and language awareness among English major students. The mean, descriptive correlational technique and mediation analysis were used in this quantitative non-experimental study. The data were collected from 214 English major students at Kapalong College of Agriculture, Sciences, and Technology. In the study, the result revealed that the level of affective learning outcomes was high, and the level of language exposure and awareness was also high. Consequently, there was a significant relationship among the three variables. Results also revealed that language exposure partially mediated or significantly affected the relationship between affective learning outcomes and language awareness. Hence, the results offered valuable information that may be utilized by the institution, teachers, and students in developing their awareness with the language making them effective and efficient speaker of the English language.


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