HomeRomblon State University Research Journalvol. 4 no. 2 (2022)

Emotional Intelligence, Consumer-Perceived Values, and E-Shopping Satisfaction: A Mediation Analysis

Ellaine Joy G. Eusebio | Evaliza F. Moreno | Feve D. Faeldan

Discipline: Marketing



Filipinos' interest in online shopping is growing, and businesses should adapt to this new marketing landscape. To win, business managers should strategize how to compete to satisfy their online customers. This paper explored the effects of emotional intelligence (EI) on consumers' online shopping satisfaction (SS). Further, it studied the role of consumers' perceived values, namely utilitarian values (UV) and hedonic values (HV) on EI-SS relationship. The respondents were the regular faculty of the Romblon State University-main campus who have engaged in online shopping. The researchers used descriptive statistics (i.e., mean, standard deviation) and linear and mediated regression analysis. The results showed that EI affects HD, UV, and SS, while HD and UV affect SS. Moreover, the results revealed that UV fully mediates and HD partially mediates the relationship between EI and SS.


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