HomeWorld Education Connect Multidisciplinary E-Publicationvol. 4 no. 1 (2024)


Mujahed H. Alpa | Zumaila S. Radzuman | Marina E. Esmael | Abegael B. Billoso | Nijar I. Lidasan | Desiree S. Romo

Discipline: Education



The quality of education is largely determined by the language of instruction used around the world (Trujillo, 2020). Teachers and students can use language as instruction to help them develop meaningful explanation, meaningful connections in the classroom, and comprehend the world. Sectorial agencies’ recognition of English as a language for worldwide communication set the way for life to improve (Fang, 2017). Nevertheless, while there are many other factors that go into providing high-quality basic education, determining which language to use might be challenging (Lim-Ramos et. al., 2020).


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