Assessing Community Impact: A Study of Stakeholder Feedback Through The Community Connection
Anna-Liza Sigue | Isabelita N Isip | Bernie B. Domingo | Sharleen I. Cleofe | Evangelina A. Magaling | Roy Kenneth Y. Lazaro | Sheren Atienza | FLORDELIZA S EM
Discipline: Sociology
This study explores the community impact of University of Cabuyao (UC-PNC)
initiatives by analyzing stakeholder feedback collected through the Community
Connection platform. This study intends to investigate the efficacy of various
community development initiatives in meeting the needs of partner communities.
This study adopts both qualitative and quantitative approaches to get data from
interviews, surveys, and focus groups to identify key areas of success and areas
requiring improvement. During this process, a questionnaire was used to collect
the response of 235 stakeholders. The use of statistical approaches, such as
frequency and percentage, was used to further evaluate the provided data. The
research concluded that 90.2% of the participants perceived that the program
delivered received excellent support and that they were involved at high levels and
positive impact was reported. The community service project was able to
maneuver into its desired goals which included, the community-oriented
objectives, partner involvement, and stakeholder engagement. The existence of
these methodologies resulted in a positive change in the community via
development and improvement. The good leadership and assisting the
participants greatly have also led to the program being more effective and has
enabled them to become having higher satisfaction. The success of the program
depends greatly on the participants, as they can contribute to the evaluation of the
program by giving feedback on participation involvement and the perceived
impact of the program on the community. To sum up, the local initiative has
improved the well-being of the community and thus leads to the development of
the area. The study, among other things, suggests methods such as the concern
for health promotion that comes through the use of specific projects, measures to
ensure long-term funding, methods to include students more efficiently, providing
programs that are beneficial for both participants and the organization, better use
of technology, a focus on holistic development, and scheduling changes to maximize engagement. These guidelines are aimed at making community
expansion projects more effective and long-lasting.
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