Determination of Chlortetracycline Residue in Chicken (Gallus Gallus Domesticus, Family: Phasianidae) Meat Products from Public Markets of Zamboanga City
Ben-Frazier U. Sabtula
Discipline: veterinary medicine and dentistry
The safety of human food is threatened by various agents, including pathogenic microorganisms, aflatoxins, pesticides, and antimicrobials. Foods such as meat products should not contain the amount of antibiotic residue when they are being sold in the market, so that public health can be protected and safeguarded against possible harm, including toxicity and increasing microbial resistance. This study aimed to determine the presence of chlortetracycline (CTC) Residue in Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus, Family: Phasianidae) Meat Products sold in Public Markets of Zamboanga City using High-Performance Liquid Chromatography (HPLC). Specifically, it is important to know the Levels of Chlortetracycline Residue, the significant difference in its amount in Meat Products (Breast, Drumstick & Wing) and Internal Organs (Gizzard, Heart, & Liver) of chicken, and its concentration when compared with the standard maximum residue limit for each meat sample. An Experimental Method and Cross-Sectional Design were used. The Study covered a citywide area, from the east coast to the west coast, covering 26 public markets: 12 supermarkets and 14 Wet Markets. The results of the study revealed an abundant Presence of Antibiotic CTC residues in Chicken Meat Products sold in Public Markets of Zamboanga City. The amount of antibiotics detected exceeded the Maximum Residue Limit recommended by the Bureau of Animal Industry (BAI). The average CTC amount present in Wings was the highest among the Chicken Meat Products at 3,273.80 ug/kg, which was 1,536.90% beyond the prescribed MRLs of 200 ug/Kg for wings. Whereas, among the Chicken Internal Organs, the average CTC amount present in the Heart was the highest at 1,313.50 ug/kg, 556.75% above the prescribed MRLs, 200 ug/Kg in the Heart. The study results also indicated that the value of CTC present in the Gizzard and Breast samples compared to their standard MRL of CTC showed no significant difference. However, the value of CTC present in the Drumstick, Wings, Heart & Liver Samples showed a statistically significant difference compared with the standard MRLs of CTC. Finally, the study concluded the presence of chlortetracycline residue in Chicken (Gallus gallus domesticus) Meat Samples by HPLC Analysis
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