vol. 9, no. 1 (2024)
Science Asia Review
The Science Asia Review (SAR) of the Universidad de Zamboanga University Research and Development Center (URDC) primarily aims to gather researches from various fields as a way to disseminate the findings for optimum utilization. The SAR is an international refereed research journal examined by experts from Malaysia, Thailand, Liberia, France, and Saudi Arabia.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Table of Contents
Assessment of Oral Health Care (OHC) of Universidad De Zamboanga: Basis for Designing an Oral Health Program
Elmer Robertino G Garcia
Discipline: Dentistry
Lived Experiences of Student Nurses on the Outcomes-Based Education of the Bachelor of Science in Nursing Curriculum
Lila Mae A. Miranda
Discipline: nursing (non-specific)
A Comparative Study: Garlic Cloves (ALLIUM SATIVUM) Extracts and Commercially Available Toothache Drops Against Streptococcus Mutans Using Agar Well Diffusion Method
Ermina H. Dading | Rafhida M Asadil | Narijma M Jipani | Nurjihada H Sahibal
Discipline: Dentistry
Antioxidant and Anti-Arthritic Activity of Peels from Citrus Fruits
Fatimae I. Mariano
Discipline: Pharmacy
Determination of Chlortetracycline Residue in Chicken (Gallus Gallus Domesticus, Family: Phasianidae) Meat Products from Public Markets of Zamboanga City
Ben-Frazier U. Sabtula
Discipline: veterinary medicine and dentistry
A Feasibility Study on Establishing a Capsule Traveler’s Inn in Zamboanga City
Nelisa C Balen
Discipline: business and management (non-specific)
Back Matter
Back Matter