Instructional Intervention Plan for Hekasi of Intermediate Pupils at Risk for Dropping Out
Jeffer Armentano
Discipline: Teacher Training
Quality education should be afforded to all citizens in the country. This provision in the constitution necessitates a zero dropout rate in every school. This study anchors the theory of Frustration-Self-Esteem, Participation-Identification theory, and Social Capital theory to explain the behavior and attitude of the learners at risk of dropping gout. This study determined the academic performance on HEKASI of the Intermediate Pupils at risk of dropping – out of Hingles Elementary School, Sta. Catalina District I, Division of Negros Oriental for the school year 2016-2017 as a basis for an Instructional Intervention Plan. This research used the descriptive survey method using an adopted instrument. Results indicated that the age and gender, Parents’ Combined Monthly Income, and Parents’ Educational Attainment are not significant to the perception of the learners as to their personal, school, environment, peers, and family. It can be deduced that identified factors that affected the pupils’ scholastic performance in HEKASI with an overall rating of Agree along the areas of personal, school, environment, peer, and family factors. Based on the results of the study, it is hereby recommended that the instructional intervention plan be implemented. Future research can be done to further dig into the variables in study.
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