HomeJournal of Interdisciplinary Perspectivesvol. 3 no. 3 (2025)

Development of Communicative Competence in English Language Curriculum of ESL Secondary Schools

Julie Rose Andres- Kimkiman

Discipline: Education



This study aimed to describe the English Language Curriculum of English as a Second Language (ESL) secondary schools and examine learners' communicative competence development. The researcher utilized a qualitative systematic literature review with the inclusion of studies that (1) assessed the implementation of English Language Curriculum in secondary schools, (2) conducted in countries implementing the K-12 Curriculum, (3) published in the year 2014 up to the present, concerning to language or publication type; and (4) involved teachers and learners as the participants and respondents. The research began with electronic searches of bibliographic databases and relevant journals, supplemented by citation chasing, internet searches, and targeted exploration of specialized websites. Next, citations were reviewed to identify relevant studies and excluded irrelevant ones. The researcher employed thematic synthesis, a three-step process: (1) line-by-line coding of the extracted data; (2) development of descriptive themes closely aligned with the primary text; and (3) generation of analytical themes through the addition of interpretative constructs and hypotheses. Three themes emerged from the review: “Salient Features,” delineating the characteristics of the English language curriculum across different countries. “Steering Towards the Development of Communicative Competence of Learners” focuses on the contribution of curriculum to learners’ communicative competence. Lastly, “Soundness and Strength of the Curriculum” presented supporting data on the curriculum’s effectiveness. With these findings, the researcher hopes it may help teachers and administrators develop and enhance the programs and policies to help improve the English curriculum's facilitation.


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