HomeInternational Journal of Multidisciplinary: Applied Business and Education Researchvol. 6 no. 1 (2025)

Sweet Heritage: Preserving Meranaw Identity Through Mamis Delicacies

Wedad Ramos Minodar | Hidaya Bangcola

Discipline: Social Sciences



The purpose of the study is to help the Meranaw people to verify the veracity that behind their colorful, rich and beautiful culture, there is Mamis which symbolizes the royalty and hospitability of every Meranaw. In which every Meranaw occasions, engagements, merry-making, and homecoming of people who had gone to Hajj, and dur-ing the two religious feasts, Eid’l Adha and Eid'l Fitr there should be a serving of sweet desserts together with the main course or dish. This study is anchored by various theories to strengthen the analy-sis. First is the Foodways Theory (Douglas, 1984) which analyzes food's role in shaping cultural identity and community, and the sec-ond one is the Culinary Cultural Heritage (Henderson, 2009) which highlights food's significance in preserving cultural traditions. In de-termining the nature and the purpose of the study, the researchers used two ways of gathering data, Random Sampling method and Purposive Sampling method through the medium of self - made val-idated survey questionnaire and in – depth interview with the self-made guide questions. The study came up to conclude that the level of awareness among the respondents were on positive side result since majority of the respondents have tasted or seen these identi-fied delicacies of the Meranaw despite the influences of the multi di-versified colonial cuisine which indicates the preservation still re-mains today to some extent. Moreover, this study concludes that Mamis delicacy makes it more unique from other culture especially the ceremonials and rituals that are associated with it. These delica-cies are commonly served during Meranao festivities in authentic Pagana. The method of preparation involved in making mamis has been transmitted from generation to generation which shape the characters and identity of Meranaws.


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