Assessing The Effectiveness of The PNP Internal Disciplinary Mechanism in Enhancing Job Satisfaction among Personnel
Marilou Fisher | Jeannette Madolid | Erlan Demate | Ardie Corsena | Elizabeth Villa | Froilan D. Mobo | Nathaniel S. Golla
Discipline: Social Sciences
The study aimed to improve the job satisfaction among PNP personnel by addressing the issues in the PNP's internal disciplinary mecha-nisms. The Dasmarinas Component City Police Station PCOs and PNCOs took part in the study, descriptive comparison research design was used to examine the internal cleansing and disciplinary mecha-nism programs applied. The data was collected using a survey ques-tionnaire that was consistent with PNP Memorandum Circulars 2019-027 and 20-2020. Kusumawardani (2024) asserted that work disci-pline increases job satisfaction. If job satisfaction decreases, so does work discipline. This was achievable because employees were satis-fied with their jobs, enjoy fair working hours, and follow their superi-ors' and subordinates' rules. The majority of the respondents were PNCO, consisting of male participants whom were all college gradu-ates. The research showed that the internal disciplinary procedures of the Dasmarinas Component City Police Station, particularly those related to punitive measures, had resulted in an increase in job satis-faction. It highlighted the importance of reaffirming the fundamental principles of the Philippine National Police (PNP) Maka-Diyos, Maka-bansa, Makatao, and Makakalikasan while also promoting the ethical standards of a public official. The PIAS concluded that errors resulted from the examined variables.
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