Parental Involvement And Its Relationship To The Acadmic Motivation Of Selected Students In Pasay City East High School
Ailyn Cadillo
Discipline: Education
This study investigates the relationship between parental involvement and academic motivation among high school students. The study surveyed 179 students, analyzing their perceptions of their parents' involvement in their education and their own levels of academic motivation. The data revealed a statistically significant positive correlation between mothers' perceived involvement and students' academic motivation. However, the relationship between fathers' involvement and academic motivation was less pronounced.
The study also explored how demographic factors, including age, gender, number of siblings, family income, and family structure, influenced the relationship between parental involvement and academic motivation. While age and gender showed some significant correlations with academic motivation, the number of siblings and family structure did not have a significant impact on the relationship. Interestingly, family income demonstrated a significant relationship with both fathers' involvement and academic motivation.
Based on these findings, the study proposes a comprehensive parenting program designed to enhance parental involvement and contribute to students' academic success. This program includes interactive workshops, individualized support, and the provision of educational resources to empower parents and equip them with the tools necessary to effectively engage in their children's education.
This research contributes to the understanding of the complex interplay between parental involvement and academic motivation, highlighting the crucial role of mothers in shaping students' educational aspirations. The proposed parenting program offers a practical solution to address the challenges of parental involvement and promote positive parenting practices that support students' academic success.
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