vol. 2, no. 1 (2025)
Journal of Education and Liberal Studies
The Journal of Education and Liberal Studies, the Official Research Journal of LCC Education and Liberal Arts is a peer-reviewed journal which publishes annually original research articles from faculty researchers and student thesis. As an academic publication, the Journal of Education and Liberal Studies is primarily dedicated to publish research articles for widest dissemination to scientific community. The journal is open to all researchers in the field of education and liberal arts.
This journal is preceded by the following publications:
LCC Faculty Research Journal: https://ejournals.ph/issue.php?id=1544
LCC Student Research Journal: https://ejournals.ph/issue.php?id=1379
Table of contents
Front Matter
Institutional Profile
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Table of Contents
Learning Engagement As Correlates To Academic Performance In An Online Distance Learning
Carolina M. Frias
Discipline: Education
The Language Learning Strategies, Listening, And Reading Comprehension Skills Of First-Year Students Of Trece Martires City College In Tmc, Cavite
Baby Joy Quines
Discipline: Teacher Training
Parental Involvement And Its Relationship To The Acadmic Motivation Of Selected Students In Pasay City East High School
Ailyn Cadillo
Discipline: Education
Special Education Teachers’ Attitudes And Challenges Experienced In Individualized Education Program Preparation In The City Of Dasmariñas
Jonna B. Estorninos
Discipline: Education
Teachers’Creative Teaching Strategies, Learners’ Motivation To Learn, And Learning Engagement Among Children With Special Needs In Selected Schools In Cavite
Aleck Biatriz Sodsod
Discipline: Education