Special Education Teachers’ Attitudes And Challenges Experienced In Individualized Education Program Preparation In The City Of Dasmariñas
Jonna B. Estorninos
Discipline: Education
Recognizing the increasing diversity within educational settings, particularly with students who have disabilities, emphasizes the crucial role that special education teachers play in ensuring high-quality education for all students. Individualized Education Programs (IEPs) serve as a foundational strategy, providing customized educational plans that cater to the unique strengths and challenges of each student (Toran et al., as cited in Samiuddin, 2022). As Groh (2021) points out, IEPs are essential for delivering free and appropriate public education. This study explored the attitudes and challenges faced by special education teachers in the preparation of IEPs within the City of Dasmariñas. Utilizing a descriptive-correlational research design, the research aimed to correlate the teachers' attitudes with the challenges they encounter during IEP preparation. A sample of 40 respondents was randomly selected from a pool of 44 special education teachers in Dasmariñas. A modified survey instrument, validated by experts, was employed, and its reliability was confirmed using Cronbach’s alpha measure. Findings indicated that a significant portion of respondents (40%) were aged 26-35, with 32.5% aged 36-45 and 27.5% aged 46 and above. The sample was predominantly female (90%), and in terms of education, 55% held a bachelor’s degree, 25% possessed a master’s degree, while 17.5% had completed master’s units, and 2.5% held a doctorate. Participants’ years of service varied, with 30% having 1-5 years, 25% with 6-10 years, 17.5% with 11-15 years, and 27.5% with over 16 years. While special education teachers expressed strong commitment to IEP preparation (mean = 3.76), they also recognized the challenges they face (mean = 3.22). Notably, demographic factors such as age, gender, education, and experience did not significantly impact their attitudes or challenges in IEP preparation (p > 0.05). However, a low positive correlation (r = 0.342, p = 0.031) was observed between attitudes and challenges, suggesting a relationship wherein those with more positive attitudes encountered slightly more challenges.
It was concluded that the majority of respondents are younger professionals, predominantly female, with a bachelor’s degree and minimal years of service. These teachers demonstrated a strong commitment to IEP preparation, valuing collaboration, ethical responsibility, and empathy. Nevertheless, they also face persistent challenges, including limited resources, time constraints, and difficulties in coordination. The absence of significant differences in attitudes or challenges based on demographic or professional factors (p > 0.05) suggests the presence of shared training experiences and institutional values among the teachers. The positive correlation indicates that those who hold more favorable attitudes towards IEP preparation may be more likely to face challenges, hinting at the complexities of their roles. To address these challenges, an action plan focused on enhancing professional development for special education teachers in IEP preparation is recommended. This plan could include training sessions on resource management, time allocation strategies, and collaborative practices to support each teacher's development and ultimately improve the quality of education for all students.
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