Self-regulated Learning Strategies, Engagement and Knowledge Sharing Practices of Chinese College EFL Students
Liu Xingcai
Discipline: Education
This study investigated the relationships among self-regulated learning strategies, engagement, and knowledge sharing among 400 Chinese college EFL students. Self-regulation included goal setting, study strategies, and time management. Engagement encompassed skill, participation, emotional, and performance aspects. Knowledge sharing involved collecting, sharing/transferring, and utilizing information. Results indicate high levels of all constructs, with strengths in goal setting, skill engagement, emotional engagement, and knowledge utilization. Female and English major students exhibited higher levels. Correlations revealed strong links between goal setting and study strategies, engagement and knowledge sharing. While time management correlated positively with engagement and knowledge sharing, the relationship was insignificant. Emotional and performance engagement strongly correlated with knowledge sharing. Overall, the study emphasizes the interconnectedness of self-regulation, engagement, and knowledge sharing, suggesting their importance in academic success. A proposed language program to enhance engagement and knowledge sharing could positively impact self-regulation in EFL learning.
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