vol. 12, no. 2 Part 2 (2024)
Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development
The Asia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Development (APJMSD) is the official research journal of Lyceum of the Philippines University-Batangas, which serves as its publisher. It aims to provide a platform open to the global community of scholars who aspire to have their research published in a peer-reviewed journal. The Editorial Board invites researchers from the international research community and institutions to submit their original research articles, review articles, short communications, and case reports for each issue of the journal in various disciplines, including management sciences and education. The journal primarily caters to scientists, academicians, practitioners across various fields, policymakers, health advocates, graduate students, and others passionate about advancing innovative ideas for social and global transformation.
Table of contents
Front Matter
Editorial Board
Editorial Policy
Guidelines for Authors
Table of Contents
Self-regulated Learning Strategies, Engagement and Knowledge Sharing Practices of Chinese College EFL Students
Liu Xingcai
Discipline: Education
Challenges, Teaching Strategies Optimization, and Effectiveness of Film and Television Course in Chinese Vocational Universities
Qin Xiao Ying | Beverly T. Caiga
Discipline: Education
Chinese EFL Learners’ Emotional Intelligence, Academic Boredom and Class Participation
Gao Pan | Imelda L. An
Discipline: Education
Language Perceptual Learning Style, Strategy and Motivational Self-System Among Chinese Non-English Majors Majors
Han Haihua | Imelda L. An
Discipline: English studies
Implementation of DepEd Order No. 37, S. 2004, known as Direct Release of Funds to DepEd Implementing Units in One Philippine Province
Michael Villareal
Discipline: Politics
Leadership Style of Schools in Division of Batangas City: Basis for Faculty Development Plan
Jay Mark M. Enrile
Discipline: Teacher Training
Tolerance of Ambiguity, Reading Strategies and Ability of Chinese College Non-English Majors
Liu Xin | Beverly T. Caiga
Discipline: English Language
Music Educational Resources Integration, Teaching Strategies, and Innovative Approaches in Chinese Art Colleges and Universities
Bo Lan
Discipline: Teacher Training
Social Support, Achievement Goal Orientation and Learning Motivation Among Chinese College Students
Ma Lixing | Beverly T. Caiga
Discipline: social sciences (non-specific)
The Relationship among Professional Identity, Perceived Teacher Support, and Academic Resilience
Jianshan Cheng | Precy Guerra
Discipline: Education
Professional Identity and Teaching Innovative Behavior of Vocational School Teachers in China
Xie Shuting
Discipline: Teacher Training
Career Planning and Professional Development of Teachers In Chinese Vocational Colleges
Zhu Meng
Discipline: Teacher Training
Chinese ELF Teachers’ Emotional Self-Efficacy, Job Satisfaction, and Self-Regulation
Wang Peipei
Discipline: Teacher Training
Work Motivation, Satisfaction, and Performance of Young Teachers in Chinese Universities
MaoLin Yang
Discipline: Teacher Training
Leadership, Team Performance, and Professional Development Among Chinese College Dance Instructors
JunJie Ma
Discipline: Teacher Training
Arts-Based Activity Integration and Efficacy Among Chinese Teachers
Lian Yuqing | Beverly T. Caiga
Discipline: Teacher Training