Language Perceptual Learning Style, Strategy and Motivational Self-System Among Chinese Non-English Majors Majors
Han Haihua | Imelda L. An
Discipline: English studies
This study investigated the relationship among language perceptual learning style, learning strategies, and second language motivational self-system of selected Chinese EFL students and to propose a program to promote English language learning. Quantitative research was utilized in the study. A total of 390 college students from Yuncheng university in Shanxi Province in China consisting of freshmen and sophomore from liberal arts and science majors were the respondents of the study. Data were collected through survey questionnaire and were treated using correlational analysis.
The results showed that the respondents had a variety of learning styles and had a positive attitude towards language learning styles. They agreed with the use of language learning strategies, especially the frequent use of social strategies. They had a positive attitude towards the second language-motivated self-system by analyzing the ideal second language self, the ought-to second language self and the second language learning experience. In addition, the T-test indicates that gender, grade and major had no significant effect on the three variables. Furthermore, the study suggested that there was a highly significant correlation among language perceptual learning styles, learning strategies and second language motivational self-system.
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