HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Management and Sustainable Developmentvol. 12 no. 2 Part 2 (2024)

The Relationship among Professional Identity, Perceived Teacher Support, and Academic Resilience

Jianshan Cheng | Precy Guerra

Discipline: Education



This study investigated the relationship among professional identity, perceived teacher support, and academic resilience of English major students in China. The study involved a sample of 654 English major students from two universities in China. The study adopted quantitative surveys to collect data using standardized questionnaires measuring professional identity, perceived teacher support, and academic resilience. The findings revealed that students scored high across all of the dimensions of the three variables, which indicates that English major students in China have a relatively high level of professional identity, perceived teacher support and academic resilience. Further analysis revealed significant differences in professional identity across gender, year level, and school type (public vs. private). Perceived teacher support did not show significant differences across these variables, except for competence support and involvement support, which varied significantly by grade level. Academic resilience showed no significant differences across gender and school type but varied significantly by year level. Additionally, strong correlations were found among professional identity, perceived teacher support, and academic resilience.


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