HomeIAMURE International Journal of Multidisciplinary Researchvol. 7 no. 1 (2013)

Candidates’ Profile and Forums’ Acceptability in the Communities of Sogod, Southern Leyte, Philippines

Cecilia D. Arong | Errol Jet D. Arong

Discipline: Political Science



Candidates’ forums provide information about the candidates’ profile and ability. This descriptive study gathered the candidates’ profile; determined cases of vote buying; and determined forum acceptability. Data were gathered using questionnaire; three judges’ evaluated speakers’ speeches using score sheets. Only communities with more than one candidate for captain and more than seven for councilors were considered. Fishbowl technique determined the data used. A&S meeting for evaluation and consultation with candidates for comments or suggestions for improvements were done. Percentage was used for data analysis. Results were as follows: majority were male, elected captains gave extemporaneous speech while elected councilors gave a combination of memorized and impromptu speech; the elected captains’ speech length was 6’01 – 7’00 minutes while that of the elected councilors was 3’01 – 4’00 minutes; the captains were very much ready while councilors were only much ready to give speech; the captains had much loud/much clear voice while the councilors had loud and clear voice; both elected captains and councilors were much ready to answer questions an did not have stage fright; forums were very much acceptable to the people and much acceptable to the candidates; the people and the candidates were very much willing to attend and host the forums; the elected captains’ speeches were very much acceptable while that of the councilors were much acceptable; both elected officials had very good answers to questions; nearly all respondents reported cases of vote buying, but majority believed that they won not because of vote buying.