Teachers’ Well-Being and Job Performance
Margorie O. Guiritan | Bazil T. Sabacajan | Wenie L. Nahial
Discipline: Teacher Training
This study was conducted to determine teachers’ well-being and job per-formance in the new normal education due to COVID-19. Seventy-one teachers from the select schools in Mambajao District of DepEd-Camiguin were used as respondents of the study. A quantitative descriptive re-search design was used supplemented with a survey questionnaire as the main data-gathering tool. Research and health protocols as well as the ethical standards were observed in the implementation of the study. Ap-propriate statistical tools were used to analyze the data. Results showed that the majority of the respondents were females, in the middle-aged group, at least with units in master’s degree program, got the Teacher III position, and with at least 11 years of teaching experience. The respond-ents had a moderate extent of well-being and a very satisfactory job per-formance level. Despite the challenges of the learning modality, the well-being of the teachers did not influence their job performance. The de-mographics of the respondents did not influence difference in their well-being. This work showed that the respondents continued to perform their duties and functions amidst the challenges brought by the pan-demic. Future researchers are encouraged to replicate this study by the time the health risks are controlled, and the learners go back to school for face-to-face class instruction.
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