Discipline: Education
In the Philippines, one gauge of educational quality is performance of graduates in the licensure examinations of the Professional Regulation Commission (PRC). This study aimed to analyze the performance of the University of Northern Philippines in the Licensure Examination for Teachers (LET), 2001 to 2010. It determined the following: profile of the examinees such as sex, specialization and year of graduated; performance along the components of LET; the institutional passing rates; the relationship between LET performance and examinee profile. Using the PRC-LET results, this study employed documentary analysis and correlation research designs. The mean, skewness, kurtosis and correlation analysis were used as statistical treatments. The findings showed negatively skewed distributions of LET scores in general education, professional education and specialization courses. This indicated that, relative to the mean score, there were more examinees who garnered higher scores compared with those who obtained lower scores. The examinees had extreme scores hence, they exhibited platykuric distributions. The institutional passing rates were consistently higher than the national passing rates for LET elementary. Specialization is significantly correlated with LET performance. By focusing on the PRC-LET competencies and DepEd-CHED-NCBTS requirements during the pre-service teaching and learning processes and revising specialization courses, LET performance will be improved. This study serves as exchange information along licensure examination of teachers in response to challenges for global competitiveness.
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Geraldine Africano
1 yr ago