HomeThe Asia-Pacific Education Researchervol. 20 no. 3 (2011)

Exploring Non-native Science Scholars’ Perspectives of Writing for Publication in English

Yi-hui Chiu

Discipline: Education



This study reports on the process of academic enculturation of two science novice scholars in Taiwan. The publishing of peer-reviewed articles is a problem for many Non-Native Speaking (NNS) researchers, often leading authors to feel isolated. Retrospective interviews revealed in writers an increasing awareness of being able to write for publication in English by inventing personal writing strategies for scholarly publication. Academic literacy was achieved with the help of advisors, peers, and copy-editors, but it was the process of invention that seemed most significant in the process of acculturation into the discourse community. The roles of reading and textual borrowing practices are discussed in relation to the development of writing abilities. This article concludes with a reflection on the effect of academic enculturation on writing outcomes, on the impact of extensive reading and textual borrowing strategies on novice scholars, and on perceptions of EAP (English for Academic Purposes) courses and EAP professionals.