HomeAsia Pacific Journal of Multidisciplinary Researchvol. 2 no. 3 (2014)

Customer Satisfaction on Small Business Loan by BDO Unibank Inc.: Basis for Service Enhancement

Ailen P. Devicais

Discipline: Social Science



Due to global economic shifts, many businesses especially in service sector modified the way they do their business, attempted to attract and hold customers. They tend to focus in providing quality customer service and environment in which clientele wants are satisfied. This study aimed to propose customer satisfaction enhancement measures on small business loan offered by BDO Unibank, Inc. in Batangas City. Specifically, it aimed to determine the level of customers’ satisfaction in terms of Personal Skills and Business Environment and to test if such service quality dimensions significantly relate with their demographic variables. The descriptive-correlation method of research was used in the study.


The study showed customers of BDO who availed small business loan in 2012 are relatively middle aged female having loan availment of One Million to Five Million. Most of them are first timer and repeat clients. Almost all rated customer service on small business loan as to Personal Skills and Business environment as highly satisfied, however BDO still needs to provide services that make all quality services dimensions highly satisfied.


The assessment of the personal skills is affected by what kind of occupation the client has and frequency of his/her loan availment.  For only empathy and responsiveness among SERVQUAL dimensions when correlated to nature of work and number of loan availment show significant relationship, thus leaving the null hypothesis rejected. On the other hand, the level of customer satisfaction as to business environment is being affected by processing transaction and safety and security since both show significant relationship on the total amount availed and the respondents age. This was supported by the resulted p-values and indicates that the above mentioned variables were affected by their profile. Proposed service enhancement measures were based on results of the quality service dimensions as assessed by the loan customers.